fine arts - examples & processes

The island
Oils on canvas / 1 m. x 0,80 cm.

Landscapes. Portraits. Nature.

A series of painting, studies and other practices. As well, some actual commissioned pieces for private clients. In the following images, an example of my working process to get to what I want to express and as well, the people that I worked with.

sketch composition barroni

Initial comp study

colour test barroni digital paint

digital test of one of the first ideas

dead layer foundation paint oils barroni

First initial layer of paint

Painting almost finalised, before applying the last details of with “scumbling” and “glazing” painting techniques. The fog is also not yet applied.

Two Satyrs

“Dead Layer” first applied before all the following constitutive layers of paint will come afterwards. Very old technique that will form the base for the final painting.

“Two Satyrs” : Oils on canvas / 54 cm. x 45 cm. 
Study based on the work of Peter Paul Rubens.

“Ostsee Tag”

Privately commissioned painting, where the client wanted to have a view of the Baltic Sea, 30 cm. x 40 cm.
Oils on canvas mounted on a wood panel, creation process:

digital paint composition composicion

1 - basic sketch for comp. ideas

dead layer canvas barroni

2 - First layer of oil paint

first colours beach landscape barroni art

3 - first colours

clouds painting oils barroni

4 - Clouds and other elements

detail brush paint oils barroni art beach ostsee

clouds, close up

This part of the painting had a lot of intended details and forms.

final painting oils barroni beach playa ostsee baltic sea

“Ostsee Tag”
Full painting.

base colour barroni

Base colour, “dead layer”.

Flowers in Vase

Study based on the painting of Henri Fantin-Latour.
Oils on canvas / 50 cm. x 50 cm.

Pinks and Clematis in a Crystal Vase

Commissioned painting based on the original painting by Edouard Manet.
Oils on canvas / 60 cm. x 40 cm.

colour test

Initial rough colour test to determine the direction on the tone desired by the commissioner.


The transfer is done using a traditional “grill” to place the different elements on the canvas before the oil paints.

First colours applied on canvas.

final painting

Once finished, the painting must be left to dry completely. When fully dry, a varnish layer (or more) are applied in order to protect the painting.

Dead layer, applied onto canvas. Oil paint.

Die Toteninsel easel canvas barroni artist

The painting, almost finished on the easel.

die toteninsel arnold böcklin gustavo barroni study practice color love island romanticism

Die Toteninsel

Oils on canvas / 60 cm. x 50 cm.
Study based on the painting of the same name, by Arnold Böcklin (the "dritte Version").

fine arts - examples & processes

In these projects which I’m sharing in here, the creation processes were not so different from each other. After the overall ideas with the commissioner are discussed and a proper feedback is established, a sketch and ideas are put onto paper. Sometimes, the sketches are also done and colour tests with digital paint, due to its versatility. After it is mutually approved, the chosen composition is transferred on the canvas. After layers and layers of paint, the final touches are done with “scumbling” or “glazing” techniques, which are very old techniques applied already by the Old Masters. Once fully finished and the painting is completely dry, a final varnishing layer is applied on all my paintings for a proper conservation and protection of the Artwork.

Various private commissions
Oils on canvas and wood panel